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The following examples use the configuration as shown on the /usage.html usage usage page especially related to the target-names.

Note to import the dependency for the jSCSI initiator and the snapshot-repo of sonatype in your pom.


Example 1

In this example, a simple login and logout is performed. If any failure occurs within the access to the target (more concise if testing-xen2-disk1 is neither loaded nor available), an exception is thrown.

public class SimpleLoginLogout {

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws NoSuchSessionException, TaskExecutionException,ConfigurationException {
       //init of the target
       String target = "testing-xen2-disk1";
       Initiator initiator = new Initiator(Configuration.create());
       //creating session, performing login on target
       //closing the session

Example 2

The following example denotes a normal read-/write-operation including a check of the data.

public class SingleThreadedReadWrite {

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws NoSuchSessionException, TaskExecutionException, ConfigurationException {
       //init of test structures
       int numBlocks = 50;
       int address = 12345;
       ByteBuffer writeData = ByteBuffer.allocate(512 * numBlocks);
       ByteBuffer readData = ByteBuffer.allocate(512 * numBlocks);
       Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());

       //init of initiator and the session
       String target = "testing-xen2-disk1";
       Initiator initiator = new Initiator(Configuration.create());

       //writing the data single threaded
       initiator.write(target, writeData, address,writeData.capacity());

       //reading the data single threaded, readData, address, readData.capacity());

       //closing the session

       //correctness check
         throw new IllegalStateException("Data read must be equal to the data written");

Example 3

Extending the former example, the read and write has the ability to occur within non-blocking operations making sense especially when working within multiple targets.

public class MultiThreadedReadWrite {

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws NoSuchSessionException, TaskExecutionException, ConfigurationException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
       //init of test structures
       int numBlocks = 50;
       int address = 12345;
       final ByteBuffer writeData1 = ByteBuffer.allocate(512 * numBlocks);
       final ByteBuffer readData1 = ByteBuffer.allocate(512 * numBlocks);
       final ByteBuffer writeData2 = ByteBuffer.allocate(512 * numBlocks);
       final ByteBuffer readData2 = ByteBuffer.allocate(512 * numBlocks);
       Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());

       //init of initiator and the session
       String target1 = "testing-xen2-disk1";
       String target2 = "testing-xen2-disk2";
       Initiator initiator = new Initiator(Configuration.create());

       //writing the first target multithreaded
       final Future<Void> write1 = initiator.multiThreadedWrite(target1, writeData1, address, writeData1.capacity());
       //writing the second target multithreaded
       final Future<Void> write2 = initiator.multiThreadedWrite(target2, writeData2, address, writeData2.capacity());

       //Blocking until writes are concluded

       //Getting the data from the first target multithreaded
       final Future<Void> read1 = initiator.multiThreadedRead(target1, readData1, address, readData1.capacity());
       //Getting the data from the second target multithreaded
       final Future<Void> read2 = initiator.multiThreadedRead(target2, readData2, address, readData2.capacity());

       //Blocking until reads are concluded

       //closing the targets

       //correctness check
       if(!Arrays.equals(writeData1.array(),readData1.array()) || !Arrays.equals(writeData2.array(),readData2.array())){
         throw new IllegalStateException("Data read must be equal to the data written");
