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1   package;
3   /**
4    * A utility class with static methods for accessing individual bits of bytes.
5    * <p>
6    * The value of a single bit can be easily retrieved with the {@link #getBit(byte, int)} method.
7    * <p>
8    * Setting a bit is a little bit more complicated. The byte to be changed must be set to the return value of
9    * {@link #getByteWithBitSet(byte, int, boolean)}.
10   * 
11   * @author Andreas Ergenzinger
12   */
13  public final class BitManip {
15      /**
16       * Sets a single bit. If the <i>value</i> parameter is <code>true</code>, the bit will be set to <code>one</code>,
17       * and to <code>zero</code> otherwise. All other bits will be left unchanged.
18       * <p>
19       * The bits are numbered in big-endian format, from 0 (LSB) to 7 (MSB).
20       * <p>
21       * <code>          
22       * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+<br>
23       * | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | bit number<br> 
24       * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+<br>
25       * </code>
26       * 
27       * @param b the original byte value
28       * @param bitNumber the big-endian position of the bit to be changed, from 0 to 7
29       * @param value <code>true</code> for <i>1</i>, <code>false</code> for <i>0</i>
30       * @return the edited byte value
31       */
32      public static final byte getByteWithBitSet (final byte b, final int bitNumber, final boolean value) {
34          int number = b;
36          if (value) {
37              // make sure bit is set to true
38              int mask = 1;
39              mask <<= bitNumber;
40              number |= mask;
41          } else {
42              int mask = 1;
43              mask <<= bitNumber;
44              mask ^= 255;// flip bits
45              number &= mask;
46          }
48          return (byte) number;
49      }
51      /**
52       * Returns <code>true</code>, if the bit at the given position is set to <code>one</code> and <code>false</code> if
53       * it is set to <code>zero</code> . The bits are numbered in big-endian format, from 0 (LSB) to 7 (MSB).
54       * <p>
55       * <code>
56       * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+<br>
57       * | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | bit number<br> 
58       * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+<br>
59       * </code>
60       * 
61       * @param b the byte value in question
62       * @param bitNumber the big-endian position of the bit to be changed, from 0 to 7
63       * @return <code>true</code> if bit is set to <code>one</code>, else <code>false</code>
64       */
65      public static boolean getBit (final byte b, final int bitNumber) {
66          int number = b;
67          number >>>= bitNumber;
68          number &= 1;
69          if (number == 1) return true;
70          return false;
71      }
72  }